Rules & Format

Rules & Format


UUT 2024 is played in a loose mixed format. That means that all teams have to play with at least two female-matching players on the line. The gender ratio follows the Ratio Rule B (“end zone decides” rule). Teams with very few female-matching players may agree on playing with fewer female-matching players if that’s better for both teams and an agreement is made between the teams prior to the start of the game.


UUT 2024 is played by the WFDF Rules of Ultimate with a little amendment. All games except the finals stop at 50 minutes or 13 points. Half-time is at 25 minutes or when one team reaches 7 points. At half-time, there is no break, the teams finish the current point and then switch endzones if necessary. Each team has one time-out of one minute per game.

The final point will be signalled through the playing of the “end jingle”; players will be introduced to this and other jingles at the start of the tournament. If you hear the end jingle, finish the point you are currently playing.

During the group phase (see the section about phases later), the games can end with a tie. During the bracket phase, however, if the game ends with a tie, the teams have to play one more point to determine the winner (cap +1). For example, when the score is 10-10 after you have finished the final team, the team that first gets to 11 (10+1) wins.

For the finals, the game stops at 60 minutes or 15 points. Half-time is at 30 minutes or when one team reaches 8 points. At half-time, there is a two-minute break, the teams finish the current point and then switch endzones if necessary. Each team has one time-out of one minute per half.

During the finals, there is a hard cap of at least +1. This means that if there is less than a 2-point difference, the team that gets to the highest score +1 wins. For example: when the score is 10-9 after you have finished the final point, the team that first gets to 11 (10+1) wins.

In addition to this set of rules, we would like to stress that UUT is mainly for students. Everyone who is or was a student in the academic years 2020-2023 is considered a student. So if you graduated in December, lucky you! PhD students are also considered students and are eligible to play as well. UUT provides a unique opportunity for student teams to play against other collegiate teams from all over Europe – teams they won’t play against in their national competition. Everyone is welcome as a guest or coach of course!

Spirit of the Game

We trust each team’s spirit in this matter. After every game you played, fill in the online UUT 2024 Spirit Scores form. The same form is used throughout the tournament. At the end of the tournament, the spirit-winning team will receive a prize!